Businessmen try to make use of the gold rush to get through their shady deals and be honourable citizens at the same time. At the beginning each player bids with debt certificates for the services of the adventurers in town, who have varying abilities in the arts of gold digging, colt drawing and cheating at cards. The dept certificates are deposited in one of the 6 banks. The top fate card is turned up and announces the sort of abilities in demand, e.g. gold digging or shooting. Each player places one card. When they are turned up, the players with the best and second best gold digger or revolver man receive gold in accordance with the fate card. This gold one can invest in Honours points. When there are as many dept certificates in the banks as there are players a die is rolled to determine which certificates must be paid out, until either one player is bankrupt and receives a bankruptcy token, or till a bank is rolled where there are no certificates. The game ends when one player has 3 bankruptcy tokens or when there have been so many shootouts that the undertaker notifies the cavalry  or when a player has reached the end of the Honours points scale.


Development game, western theme * 3 - 4 players from age 10 * Author: Klaus Teuber * ca. 50 min * ca. 19,94 € * 689117, Kosmos, Deutschland, 2001 * Serie: Spiele für Viele *** Kosmos * Postfach 10 60 11 * D-70049 Stuttgart * Fon: +49-711-2191-0 * Fax: +49-711-2191-244 * *