Gelb gewinnt!
In his turn one plays a card – if the card has the same value as one card or the total of several cards on the table, on may set aside these card and one’s own card. If one cannot take a card or cards, one places one’s own card on the table. If one can take all cards from the table, one receives a chip. If one has played all cards from one’s hand one receives new cards. When all cards are distributed and played, the yellow 7, the majority in yellow cards and the highest total of cards win their respective owners one chip each. After several rounds the player with the most chips wins. New edition in new box.
New edition in small box, four players only
1st edition Kosmos 2005, #690564
Card game * 2-4 players from age 7 * Design: Michaela Schelk, Fine Tuning * Editor: Sebastian Rapp, Stefan Stadler * 740184, Kosmos, 1010 *