Flower Power


Both players try to plant as many big flower beds as possible in their part of the meadow. There are 9 different kinds of flowers and a neutral zone in the middle of the meadow where both players can plant. The active player draws a tile from the bag und puts it on the board, either free or adjacent to another tile. Three times one may put the tile face down in the meadow of the opponent. If the same kind of flower is joint via the middle zone, the total area counts  for the player with the most flowers on his side! Who can no longer place a tile must wait till the other player runs out of placement possibilities. Then 0-2 identical flowers score 0 points, 3-5 flowers score 1 point, 6-9 score 2 and 10 or more flowers score 4 points. Solitaire variant.


Placement game * 2 players from age 8 * Author: Angelika Fassauer and Peter Haluszka * ca. 40 min * ca. 14,82 € * 680619, Kosmos, Deutschland, 2001 * Series: Spiele für Zwei *** Kosmos * Postfach 10 60 11 * D-70049 Stuttgart * Fon: +49-711-2191-0 * Fax: +49-711-2191-244 * spielwaren@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de