

Alter                    6



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Einfach Klasse in …


Educational games in the Bring-me-along-size and created in cooperation with Duden, featuring the basic skills of German, Mathematics and English.

Wörter-Wettlauf: Related to the level of difficulty the word, a row of pictures or one picture is visible on the word card. The picture cards are laid out picture up or letter up. You choose one word card and try to make up the word from the picture tiles. You can control the word by looking at the back of the word card. If you are correct you advance to the next free footprint of this color on the track. When you reach the finish you must lay out one more word correctly to win.

Let’s Talk: The athlete cards are laid out, each player starts his reporter on one of these cards. You look at your card. Then you turn up two picture cards, if one of them fits the athlete card you place it there and move to the next athlete card. If none of the images fit you stay in place. Once in the game you are assisted by Didi Dolmetscher, another player turns up a 3rd picture for you. If you are the first to reach your starting card again, you win.

Zahlen-Rallye: The first player plays an open card, the next now can either play another card on the discard pile and add the values or play an event card and implement the action. When the value of the discard pile is equal to a multiple of 10 or you play an identical card to the stack you can grab the car. The race ends when the value of the discard pile reaches or tops 100. You take the car for this and win the round and earn a victory point. If you are the first to win 4 points you win the game.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 6 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Anja Wrede, Tanja Engel, Jason Schneider

Grafik          : Barbara Scholz, Sandra Reckers, Judith Arndt, Tom Breitenfeldt, Oliver Freudenreich, Klemens Franz

Titel englisch          : ident

Preis            : ca. 8,00 Euro

Verlag          : Kosmos 2010



Genre                    : Educational games

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : corresponding to the topic of the game



A lot of game and fun in a small box

Interesting mechanisms

Learning and training happens along the way



Other educational games in the Kosmos Duden series






Wissen_               3

Gedächtnis          3


Interaktion                   1

