Die wilden Fußballkerle Fluchduell


Cards are distributed evenly to the players and stacked face down. In each round each player turns up a card, when two identical Wilde Kerle are visible all must call out the relevant oath – the first player to do so wins both stacks and places them underneath his own. A wrong oath or an oath in case of 2 different Kerle looses the player his open cards into the devils pot. This is now in play as another stack, if it is involved in a likeness, one calls devils pot and receives the middle stack. A player without cards is out of the game, the last player with cards wins the game.


Card game * Series: Die wilden Fußballkerle * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designers TM Spiele, Köpf Gertrud * Graphics: Jan Birck, Bluguy * 69 62 45, Kosmos, Germany, 2006 *** Kosmos Verlag * www.kosmos.de