Die wilden Fussballkerle Das wilde Fußball-Quiz


32 cards show 2 questions with 3 answers each, on the backside information and illustration on the subject. Players receive question cards, in case of 3 or 4 players also betting cards. The quizmaster poses the first question and in case of a correct answer also the second one  if both answers are correct the candidate receives the card. If the first answer is wrong, the neighbour of the candidate can risk a betting card and try to answer, in case he is wrong he loses the card. If nobody has question cards any more, the player with the majority of betting cards wins.


Quiz game * Series: Die wilden Fußballkerle * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designers: Sandra Dochtermann, Gertrud Köpf * Grafik: Bluguy * 69 63 44, Kosmos, Deutschland, 2006 *** Kosmos Verlag * www.kosmos.de