Die wilden Fussballkerle Das Rennen


The Invincible Winners call for a bike duel round the Teufelstopf, a rammed player goes out of the game. In his move one chooses a rider from one’s team und moves him exactly one turn of the wheel along the track, the yellow tracks may only be used in the final. One’s one riders can be overtaken, opposing riders are rammed, to ram stronger riders one needs a trick card for the trick duel, riders of equal strength can be rammed with or without card and weaker riders are rammed out of the track. Used trick cards are added to the value of the rider. Power chips allow double distance or double a trick card- The last 6 riders in the game ride in the final, the rider arriving first waits for the opponent and the trick duel, the last player with a rider in play wins the game.


Sports and racing game based on the series * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designers: Kai Haferkamp and Gertrud Köpf * Graphics: Jan Birck, BluGuy* 69 60 30, Kosmos, Germany, 2006 *** Kosmos Verlag * www.kosmos.de