Die Siedler von Catan Händler & Barbaren


Catan is booming, caravans come out of the desert in the south, in the north the fortress of the Catan Senate is built, displaced barbarians confront trade routes and also, on the coast, barbarians raid cities. Knights are necessary to fight the aggressors, and new settlers in the east build bridges across the rivers.

Four variants are named „Freundliche Räuber, Ereignisse auf Catan, der Hafenmeister und Catan für Zwei“.

One can also play a campaign, using „Die Fischer von Catan, Die Flüsse von Catan, Der Zug der Karawanen, Der Barbarenüberfall und Händler & Barbaren“. All these scenarios can be combined among each other and also with scenarios from seafarers and Cities & Robbers.


Expansion for Settlers of Catan * Theme family: Settlers of Catan * 2-4 players from age 10 * Designer: Klaus Teuber * Graphics: Tanja Donner, Michaela Schelk, Fine Tuning * ca. 120 min * 69 33 05, Kosmos, Germany, 2007 *** Kosmos Verlag * www.kosmos.de * www.catan.com