Die Siedler von Catan Das Kartenspiel für zwei Spieler


The Settlers of Catan in a cards-only version, for two players. The die roll at the beginning of a round is valid for both players; one roll provides the chance element, the other resources. Cards from your hand allow actions or expansion of settlements. To win one has to collect 12 victory points from settlement building and expansion to towns as well as from expanding the towns with library, city hall or bath house.

New edition 2007 in the series “Spiele für 2”


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2007

License: Catan GmbH

Designer: Klaus Teuber

Art: Franz Vohwinkel

Stock #: 685010


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de and many more * In-game text: yes