Die Säulen der Erde Kartenspiel


This trick-taking card game is based on the book and the boardgame. The cards show values. Craftsmen belong to suits, the suits are assigned to players. Resources and special cards are neutral. When the cards have been dealt, you try to take tricks to complete your hand. When the highest card played in the trick is a neutral card, the trick goes to the player who played the card, or else to the player who is assigned the suit of the card. At the end of a round you pick cards from tricks taken to combine resources and craftsmen for victory points. After several rounds the player with most points wins the game.


A trick-taking card game for 3-4 players, ages 10 and up * Designer: Michael Rieneck * Art: Michael Menzel * 740177, Kosmos, 2010 *** Kosmos Verlag * ww.kosmos.de