Die Crew Family


Cooperative mission-based card game. To be able to escape a deserted island, you must complete 35 missions with individual victory conditions; you can play them in sequence or in any order of your choice. First you check the log for the story and the victory condition of the selected mission. During the game, you play a card in turn, always color on color or number on number, displayed in three rows of four cards each. You cannot share verbal information about your cards; assistance comes from hammocks allowing you to pass a turn, communication chips that let you display one of your cards, and special cards with function like play any card or play two cards or get a color card from another player, and so on. If, in your turn, you cannot play a card or turn over a hammock, the mission is lost.

Extra rules for two players.


Cooperative mission-based card game for 3-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

Designer: Thomas Sing

Story: Andreas Ulich

Editing: Kilian Vosse

Technical development: Carsten Engel

Art: JacobMüller/arrsome illustra7ion, Sensit Communications

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock #: 684495


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes