Dice Devils

Woolen Hat for the Head Devil


It has happended - Hell is freezing over and devils need to roll dice for things that are warm - from tea to an electric heater. Hell is organized in a strictly hierarchic manner, there are Oberteufel - Head Devil, Spielteufel, Fehlerteufel, Putzteufel, Springteufel und Satansbraten = Holy Terror, and everyone has his individual special ability. Depending on the number of players varying kinds of devils come into play, the starting ranks are assigned randomly. Head Devil and Holy Terror are always used. Head Devil gets the large cup and golden dice with high values, Holy Terror the small one and grey dice with low values, and all others receive cups of medium size and two black dice with medium values. A number of items is on display for each round; you roll your dice secretly and put your Grab Tile next to one of the items. When several devils opt for the same item, a duel follows, higher values win. Head Devil always adds his two best dice, Holy Terror adds Head Devil's lowest dice to his own result, Springteufel wins automatically in case of a tie, and so on. The winner takes the contested item and may, if he wants to, change his role with the loser or one of the losers. If you have accumulated 10 warming items, you add the value of your items at the end of the round and you win with the highest total.

A pretty game, a nice game, an attractive game with lots of promises, but only fun when played with the full number of playes. In case of three and four players Head Devil and Holy Terror are too dominant; especially the seemingly disadvantaged Holy Terror is often in front and very rarely swapped.


Players: 3-6

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Reinhard Mensen

Artist: Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan

Price: ca. 27 Euro

Publisher: Kosmos 2013


Genre: Dice game

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Very attractive design and components

The more players the better the game

Little interaction in case of few players


Compares to:

Dice game for not-enough-for-all booty


Other editions:

Currently none


Zufall (rosa): 3

Taktik (türkis): 2

Strategie (blau): 0

Kreativität (dunkelblau): 0

Wissen (gelb): 0

Gedächtnis (orange): 0

Kommunikation (rot): 0

Interaktion (braun): 3

Geschicklichkeit (grün): 0

Action (dunkelgrün): 0