

Achieve the most beautiful bonsai and exhibit it in the Imperial Gardens! You begin with a planting bowl, a Seishi token and Bonsai tiles in relation to player numbers, for trunk, leaves, flower or fruit. Four Zen cards are on display, for either growth, tool, helper, master or points. In a turn, you select meditating for taking new cards and Bonsai tiles OR cultivating to add Bonsai tlles from your stock to your Bonsai. Helper or Master cards you took are implemented immediately, point cards are stacked for end-of-game scoring. Growth and Tool cards are added to the left and right of the Seishi token. If you complete a target token you can do so or wait for a more valuable one, but you can only complete one target token per color and only in the turn in which you meet the conditions. At the end, you score Bonsai tiles at your Bonsai, completed target tokens and point cards. Includes an advances version, Tokonoma, and a solo mode plus eight solo scenarios.


Tile placement game for 1-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

License: daVinci Editrice © 2022

Designer: Rosaria Battiato, Massimo Borzi, Martino Chiacchiera

Development, editing: Tobias Gayer, Sebastian Wenzlaff

Art: Davood Moghaddami, Matteo Brustenghi, Lisa Bernacchia, Daniele Solfrini


Stock #: 684259


Users: For families and with friends

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr hu it nl pl ru uk zh * In-game text: no