Blindes Huhn


Players try to win fledgling cards in auction and to dumb the blind chicken unto their fellow players. At the end the winner is the player with the highest score from fledglings, blind chicks and golden grains. The Auctioneer draws 3 cards and auctions them as a package, he must offer 1 or 2 openly, he alone knows all cards. Each player places one offer, the highest bid wins the package, payment is made with the fledgling cards. The auctioneer must pay out the bid to the other player which choose a card in turn. Then the package is revealed. At the end one scores for colour majorities and card values in 3 colours, blind chicks and gold gains, these score 5 points in pairs, a single blind chick scores minus 3, a single gold grain plus 2.


Bid and bluff game * 3-5 players from age 10 * Designe: Heike Risthaus * Illustration: Mario Coopmann * 69 05 02, Kosmos, Germany 2007 *** Kosmos Verlag *