

You move your turtle along the track towards Australia, expand coral reefs and collect & feed fish. Four dice each in white, yellow, blue and purple as well as one red die are rolled and set out. In turn, you select one die and put it on your board in the respective color area: White dice give cards and victory points, yellow ones bring fish and victory points, blue dice provide steps on the track and purple ones determine locations to place coral reefs. The red die makes you starting player of the next round and has an enhanced conflict value. If you have cards in an area where you place a die, you resolve the actions of those cards. They can enhance dice, or give fish, victory points, steps or placing corals. If you overtake a group of cubes on the track, you take a marker of your color to increase the number of fish you can feed. If only one die is left in the display, turtle location, majorities in the coral reefs and numbers of fishes fed are scored. This is followed by a conflict phase – you roll your die, the lowest value is eliminated, the last one remaining receives a tile for victory points. When all tiles are taken, corals and fishes are scored in a final scoring.


Engine-building with dice for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

Designer: Alessandro Zucchini, Leo Colovini

Art: Fiore GmbH


Stock #: 683467


Users: For families, with friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no