Players travel from Europe around the whole world, stopping in each of the five continents. They meet domestic and exotic animals, at first their identity is hidden, but players receive hints and information to find out the animal in question. In addition players learn much about the fauna in all five continents. Players journey by result of dice thrown, some of the dice bring chips which help to overcome obstacles.when all players are back in Europe the game ends, the player with the highest total in points on the animal photos he collected wins.


Information / knowledge Game * 2-4 players from age 7 * Author: Peter Neugebauer * ca. 20-30 min * ca. 20 € * Klee Spiele, 2000 * In cooperation with "Heinz Sielmann Stiftung" *** Klee Spiele GmbH * Gebhardstraße 16 * D-90762 Fürth * Fon: +49-911-747881 * Fax: +49-911-746607