dexterity in the round village
The Shaman practices perception and speed with the children of the tribe and uses coins with animal images which players collect as quickly as possible as required.
In round I of Shabono you collect coins of one type of animal, in round II coins for two different kinds of animals. The game features Armadillo, Ibis, Poison Dart Frog,
Leaf Grashopper, Capybara and Toucan, he is a joker for every other animal.
In Round I each player draws an animal from the cards featuring one waterfall, the Shaman draws last and for him the card determines the color of the flowers he needs to find. A throw of the “Coin of the Fast Hand” determines if you use your left or your right hand to collect animals; the Shaman’s Time coins are shuffled and spread Hummingbird side up.
The Shaman calls “Shabono” and all start to collect - players search for and take their animal one by one with the correct hand and stack it in their collector ring. At the same time the Shaman searches his Time coins for the flower in his colors and turns wrong coins back over again. When he has revealed all four flowers, he calls “Shabono” again and the search ends for all. One-sided coins now score one point, double-sided ones score two points, Toucans score the most possible points.
When all have been Shaman once, you collect two animals in round II and the Shaman must reveal three different flowers. There are variants with special animal coins.
Like Moeraki-Kemu, Shabono also features very beautiful design and components, the mechanism is nicely varied and the special animals - Spider, Anteater, Bat and Sloth - introduce tactic to the hectic collecting.
Players: 3-5
Age: 7+
Time: 75+
Designer: Stefan Kiehl
Artist: Florian Buchner
Price: ca. 50 Euro
Publisher: Kiehly Besondere Brettspiele 2016
Genre: Collect, dexterity
Users: For families
Version: de
Rules: de
In-game text: no
Very attractive design
Simple basic rules
Tactic introduced by special animals
Compares to:
Collecting games with a speed element
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 3
Action (dark green): 2