Kaleidos Essen / Luca 2014 LImited Edition Expansion


First letters and objects - sounds familiar, but in this game each player looks at the same picture out of 10 possible ones, which are slightly surrealistic and feature different topics and are choc-a-bloc full of details, partly very much alienated. For each picture you turn the spinner for a letter and all write down what they can find on the picture that begins with this letter. All that you really see is valid, euphemisms and synonyms are wanted and welcome, and when in doubt really convincing arguments can help.

The Essen / Lucca 2014 Limited Expansion features pictures 11 and 12, compatible with the 2008 Cocktail Games / Ystari edition and subsequent editions.


Supplement for Kaleidos for 2-12 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Kaleidos Games 2015

Designer: Spartaco Albertarelli

Artist: Elena Prette

Web: www.kaleidosgames.com

Stock#: -


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: - * Rules: none * In-game text: no