Stratego Legends


Each player has 30 pieces of varying strength and results. Already the basic set-up predetermines possibilities for use and influence of each of the pieces. The opponent only sees the back and does not know the set-up. In Stratego Legends pieces are fantasy characters, 60 out of 204, booster packs are available. The board is variable, too, and for that also expansions are available. Movement of pieces has to obey the differences in terrain, standard move is one square straight ahead in any direction, no jumping over and no landing on occupied squares. The player to conquer the opposite castle, wins. There are 12 Expansion Packs with 2 x 7 figures, content is printed on the boxes.


Positionsspiel * 2 Spieler ab 10 Jahren * Autor: Craig Seness * ca. 60 min * ca. 35,73 € bzw. 10,22 € * 00504, Jumbo, Deutschland, 2001 *** JUMBO Spiele GmbH * Reidemeisterstrasse 3 * D-58849 Herscheid * Fon: +49-2357-601-0 * Fax: +49-2357-601-212 *