Picture Quiz


One answers as many questions as possible to collect cards, the player with the most cards wins at the end. One can use 1 or 2 dice to regulate the playing time. In his turn a player rolls the die and moves his pawn, then he must answer all three questions from a card in the category reached. One has one try for each question, for the third correctly answered question one receives the card, otherwise another player gets a chance. Creative squares demand drawing or pantomime, on poker squares one can bet cards against another player, the first one to answer a 3rd question correctly wins the bet cards from the opponent. On the Double square at the end of the game one has the chance to double the number of cards.


Quiz game * 2-12 players from age 8 * ca. 60 min * 03548 7, Jumbo, Germany, 2006 *** Jumbo Spiele GmbH * Jumbo International * www.jumbo-world.
