For Children


Memo Extra

Pack a suitcase, roll the die


Kid              ein    





Alter            3       



Memo extra – three games in uniform design and the identical „memo extra“ logo, based on the memo mechanism, with some interesting features.

Ich packe meinen KofferI pack my suitcase: 48 cards are distributed among the players and stacked face down. You choose a card from these, says “I pack …§ and names all motives stated so far and adds his own new one. For each motive the corresponding card is turned face up and adds the new card. Then all cards are flipped over again. A player making a mistake is out of the game, the last one remaining wins.

Trio: A memory game with 3 motives that go together. The tiles do not show the same motif, but things belonging together or complementing each other, for instance a knight, a horse and a castle. You may turn up 3 tiles, if the fit together one can take all three tiles. The motives of a trio show a border of the same colour, which can assist in determining motives belonging together. A list of motives can be found in the rules.

Würfel Memo - Dice memo: The motif tiles are laid out, covered with the grid and then covered with the sliding cards, blue back upwards. The motif discs are stacked face down, the top one is turned up, this is the motif to be found. You roll the die and can slide cards that often. If you find the motif within these moves, you receive tile and disc and may turn up the next disc and roll and slide again. If one does not find the motif, the turn ends. The player who has collected the most pairs when all pairs are found wins the game.

A very attractive change in the daily memo routine, hand, small and good for small children.


Spieler         : 2-4/6

Alter            : ab 3

Dauer           : ca. 10 min


Autor           : unstated

Grafik          : unstated

Vertrieb A.   : Gubic

Preis            : je ca.

Verlag          : Jumbo 2010



Genre                    : Memo games

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : memorize and find pictures


Zufall                     : 2

Wissen                  : 6

Planung                 :

Kreativität              :

Kommunikation      :

Geschicklichkeit      :

Action                   :



Nice memo variants

Uniform design

Good for smaller children

Stable, easily handled material



All memory games