

The jungle animals have fun with their racing game, because each of them thinks he is fastest, and so they are – the monkey among the tree tops, the crocodile in the water, the elephant in the savannah and the parrot in the air. Racing makes hungry, so they collect fruit on the way, and the winner is who is first over the finish line with the most fruit. The player’s die shows all animals, a lion and a joker. If the lion is rolled, the player loses his move, for the joker one may enter any terrain and it an animal appears, one put the die face up into the next neighbouring space of its terrain. If any fruit is there, the player takes it.


Race and collecting game * 2-4 Kinder ab 4 Jahren * Autor: Jolet Leenhouts * Serie: Elefanten Spiele Club * ca. 25 min *  00224, Jumbo 2001 *** JUMBO Spiele GmbH * Reidemeisterstrasse 3 * D-58849 Herscheid * Fon: +49-2357-601-0 * Fax: +49-2357-601-11