Die Kaufleute von Amsterdam
Each player represents a merchant family and tries to enhance his power
in Amsterdam and the colonies and to influence share values. With cards
received settlements are built in the colonies, offices in Amsterdam, share
values are changed for sugar, gems, spices or silk or the time marker is moved
one space towards 1666. Each player in turn is major and determines, which of
the three cards he draws is auctioned, which he keeps for himself and which he
takes out of the game. Auction is done in dutch fashion, prices falling from
the highest level, the player wishing to buy stops the auction clock. If the
time marker arrives on a scoring space, Amsterdam, the colonies and the stock
market are scored, if there is a draw anywhere between 1st and 2nd place, the
reward money is added and divided by two. In 1666 the player with the most
money wins.
Auction/Economy game * 2-5 players from age 10 * Author: Reiner Knizia *
ca. 90 min * ca. 30 € * 3291, Jumbo 2000 *** JUMBO Spiele GmbH * Postfach 10 *
D-58845 Herscheid * Fon: +49-2357-601-0 * Fax: +49-2357-601-212