Chop Chop
Fruits are placed in the bowl and task cards are distributed evenly to all players. Then all turn up their top task card at the same time and try to take out the necessary fruits from the bowl. When you have placed the correct fruit you set aside the card. If you did not manage to get the correct fruits or if none were left, you put your card beneath your stack, but do not give the fruits back yet. If you fish out a wrong fruit you must take a card that you did already set aside and put it back underneath your stack for a penalty. Chop Chop symbols on your task cards represent a joker, you can put any kind of fruit on it. If you are first to complete all your cards and set them aside, you win.
German & English version, changed cover compared to the English/Korean version
Dexterity game for 2-4 players, ages 5+
Publisher: Joen 2012/2013
Designer: Jong-Ho Kim, Hyo-Jong You
Artist: not named
Art. Nr. 77700 7
Users: For families
Version: multi * Rules: en kr * In-game text: no