Space Bastards


The benign dictator wants to hand on his job and we collect supporters among the creature species of Toadlings, Spuds, Toucanosaurs, Cactusoids and Sluggies. You reign for 12 months and if you do a good job you are the new dictator.  Each player starts with six supporters per species, a space ship and a map of the ships inside plus a set of actions cards and five coins. All place their creatures in turn and then relationship cards are displayed and one species card is placed on both sides; this determines the relations between species in the categories of Love, Laser Gun Fire, Eating, Trade, Diplomacy, Migration, Mutation and Relationship Change. Over 12 rounds you plan your actions; after planning actions are executed, you can move your spaceship and embark or disembark your creatures. In some rounds only movement without action happens. After every four rounds you score majorities on planetoids.


Placement game for majorities for 2-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Jira’s Games 2011

Designer: Jiří Mikoláš

Art: Martin Málek


Stock #:09015 4


Users: For experts


Version: multi * Rules: cz de en + fr * In-game text: no