The Mystery of Dattakamo


You are tasked with guessing the meaning of artifacts from the “Dattakamo“ civilization. One player is the Doctor, you need to address him with “Sir” and he must speak very dignified. He feels for an artifact in the bag and thinks of a meaning. Then he sets the piece on the box. Players as students in turn can either pose a question, try to get a clue or guess the meaning. Then the Doctor gives a clue, precise or vague at his choice. After four turns each student must give a guess. If you guess correctly, you get the artifact, and eventually one that was not guest last round. If each player was doctor one, you win with most artifacts.


Deduction game for 3-10 players, ages 3+ (Box side)

Deduction game for 3-12 players, ages 5+ (german rules)


Publisher: Gift10Industry / Japon Brand 2015

Designer: Takashi Hamada

Art: Haruka Kajikawa


Stock #: -


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: jp * Rules: de en fr jp * In-game text: no