Numberplace City


Test domes for an underwater city need to be built based on Sudoku rules. All players use three blocks on their side of the board plus the middle block for their “personal” area; all reveal their selected tile simultaneously and check if they can place it, first against other selected tiles in player order, then against tiles already in place. Illegal tiles you keep for penalty tiles, you are out of the game with five penalty tiles. Tiles you placed have special effects depending on their number value, that you can use; the last tile in a row, column or block gives you 1 or 2 points; if you have three points, you win.


Area management for 2-4 players, ages 14+


Publisher: ORUCAgames / Japon Brand 2019

Designer: Nakiku Sotogamo

Art: Shonen, Moyy


Stock #: -


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: en jp * In-game text: no