

New Sakura

Tricks for cherry blossom petals


Cherry blossom time in Japan - a wonderful spectacle that has already been inspiration and topic for games. New Sakura picks up the topic of blossoms and offers three variants for using blossom petals, carrying numbers between 1 and 4,as well as three kinds of special cards.

I. Tricking game for 2 players. Each player plays one of three cards in a round, the higher card takes the trick; petals you won are laid out for blossoms; after four rounds you win with most blossoms from petals you won.

II. Collecting game for 3-5 players: You have a secret number chip, place four petals openly and hold one card each, 1 to 4, in hand. Then you have one of four options: 1. Play a card next to a free spot at your or another’s blossom. 2. Play a petal with consecutive value on top of a petal, or replace a special card with a petal, both in your own blossom. 3. Use a special card- swap number chips in blossoms, or remove a petal from a blossom or draw a card. 4. Discard a card - only if you cannot use any of the other options. You win with the lowest difference between your number chip and the total value of petals in the blossom.

III. Discard cards, for 3-6 players. You lay out petals for blossoms, beginning one of maximum three, or add petals, maximum five per blossom, play a special card or draw a card. Completed blossoms are set aside. If you are out of petal cards first, you win.

First and foremost, beautiful! Both box and components mirror blossoms; the rules are nicely illustrated and thus easily understood, the mechanisms simple and well-working. All in all, an attractive representative of games from Japan.


Players: 2-6

Age: 6+

Time: 15+

Designer: Kenichiro Kawaguchi, Ryuji Sumiyoshi

Artist: Uco Nomura

Price: ca. 19 Euro

Publisher: Librage Co / Japon Brand 2019


Genre: Card collecting, tricking, placing

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: en jp

In-game text: no



Very beautiful components

Good, richly illustrated rules

Simple core mechanisms


Compares to:

Tricking and card collecting games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0