New Sakura


Card game on cherry blossoms, in three versions. I. 2 players, each one plays a card = petal, the higher card wins the trick; after four rounds you win with most blossoms from cards you won. II. You form a blossom of five petals; petals carry numbers 1 to 4, you win with the lowest difference of your petal total to the value of your secret number chip in the middle of the blossom. III. You lay out petals for blossoms, start a new blossom of maximum three, add a petal of maximum five to a blossom, play a special card or draw a card. A complete blossom is set aside. If you are out of cards first, you win.


Card game for 2-6 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Librage Co / Japon Brand 2019

Designer: Kenichiro Kawaguchi, Ryuji Sumiyoshi

Art: Uco Nomura


Stock #: 29002 0


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: en jp * In-game text: no