


Cooperative Larvae raising


As deities of nature we foster the larva of a male mayfly; then we help the adult mayfly to survive until it finds its female partner and can procreate.

In the larva stadium you use food cards from your hand; the cards are first played face-down and then the first one in the row is revealed in a player turn. When there is enough room on the larva card, you put marker as shown on the food card onto the larva card; then the larva “”eats” the card (you put it into the box), another one is played into the row, and you remove 1 to 3 food markers from the larva card. If there are not enough markers, the larva dies instantly. When the food card shows a growth symbol, the larva molts to stages II or III accordingly. Food cards for which is not enough room on the card, are not „eaten“, but stacked separately. When all food cards are used the larva is alive, it becomes an adult mayfly.

„Eaten cards“ and set-aside cards + remaining cards in hand are shuffled; the stack of „eaten“ cards is dealt to players. Four trial cards are laid out and the mayfly receives eight food markers. For a challenge, players in turn play cards until the number of hearts on the trial card and on played cards is the same; each food card that is used and any rejected trials are marked with one food marker; a rejected trial is replaced. When the mayfly masters all trials, it survives and can meet its partner. Symbols on used food cards decide the fate of progeny.

A very unusual game with a rare topic; cooperation with no communication on cards, there is some tactic and lots of chance in drawing cards and guessing cards played by others.


Players: 2-4

Age: 9+

Time: 20+

Designer: Kyu Takai

Artist: Nobuhiro Kawano

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: I Cannot Live By Myself / Japon Brand 2018


Genre: Cards, cooperation

Users: With friends

Version: jp

Rules: en jp

In-game text: no



Intensity of communication a bit unclear

Little variation in Trial cards

Very unusual, rare topic

Unusual deck building mechanism


Compares to:

First game of its kind


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 1

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0