Lost Gemma W
Paths to treasures
Searching for lost treasures! To find them, you lay out paths from the respective starting towns to the face-down treasure and find the treasure by revealing it.
Cards in the game have effects for the Investigation phase, initiative for the Exploration phase, a number indicating frequency and one of four kinds of roads.
Each player has his starting town and his player card and is dealt one of 25 map cards; the rest is draw pile and marks the middle of a 5x5 grid.
In the Investigation phase, you draw a card and put one of the now two cards in hand openly or face-down into one of the 24 cases in the grid and resolve the effect, if there is one and the card was played open-faced. If only one card is left in the draw pile and you still have your town card, you place it openly and resolve the effect. When the deck is empty but for one card and all town cards are placed, you place - in the Exploration phase - your hand card in sequence of the number on it onto your starting town and reveal them in sequence of the initiative number; if you have an “X” on your card, you cannot explore.
If you explore, you reveal card by card in the grid and resolve “Found” effects, until you find a treasure or are are stopped by a monster. When all have explored, and one treasure was found, its finder wins; when both were found, you win with the longer path between your starting town and the treasure.
Basically, the game uses standard mechanisms, and is interesting as an example for games from Japan; the rules are simple per se, but somewhat cumbersomely worded; they include, however, good explanations for the card.
Players: 2-4/5
Age: 10+
Time: 20+
Designer: Takaumi Kazuhide
Artist: Chie Suoh
Price: ca. 12 Euro
Publisher: Madoriya / Japon Brand 2017
Genre: Card placement, path formation
Users: With friends
Version: jp
Rules: en fr jp
In-game text: yes
English rules with card explanations on the web
Standard mechanisms
Simple rules
Laboriously phrased rules
Compares to:
Placement games forming connections
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 1
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 1
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0