played for you
Kaleidoscope for the Shogun
Under order from the Shogun artists cooperate to create an impressive kaleidoscope, but at the same time strife to win the reward alone.
The game features colored triangles in five colors – one for each player – and hexagonal frames – the game uses the punchboards that held the triangles for those frames in which there is room for six triangles per frame. Depending on the number of players you receive 13 or 14 triangles of a color, plus two white triangles as well as two frames; two more frames are laid out in the middle.
In your turn you must place a triangle into a free spot in any frame, either one of your own or one of another player or into one of those already in the middle of the table; before or after placing the colored triangle you may place a white triangle anywhere or place one of your frames next to one of the frames already in the middle.
When a frame is completely filled it is scored – the two players who have most and second-most triangle in that frame score eight and four points, respectively. Then you may rotate the frame that was scored. If all players are out of colored triangles, you score all completely filled hexagons that can be formed within the board by adjacent edges of three frames; frames can be included in several hexagons for scoring. If you have the most points after this final scoring of all possible hexagons, you win.
It is, again and again, fascinating to experience who standard mechanisms are combined in a new way to result in challenging games that are interesting to play; here the final scoring involving several frames provides strategy and tactics.
Players: 2-5
Age: 10+
Time: 30+
Designer: Hinata Origuchi
Artist: Hi
Price: ca. 14 Euro
Publisher: Ouyuuan / Japon Brand 2014
Genre: Place tiles, majorities
Users: For families
Version: en
Rules: en jp
In-game text: no
Elegant minimalistic components
Simple rules
Needs lots of tactics and strategy
Compares to:
Pentago for rotation of board parts
Other editions:
Ouyuuan (jp)
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue): 2
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0