




Cat & Chocolate

Chocolate and a Cat against drowning


You are a secret member in one of two teams and find yourself in a spooky old mansion that needs to be explored and where atrocious things happen. This mansion must be explored and you must survive the most incredible incidents, but the others have seen a few things, too, and do not accept half-hearted tries to escape or uncreative solutions. Each player is randomly assigned three items. In your turn you draw an event card, maybe a wall tumbles or a poisonous spider bites. Then you use 1-3 items from your hand to protect yourself against this event. The number of items you can use is set by the number shown on the backside of the next event card on the stack. You must use what you have in hand and need to explain fast and convincingly, why a lipstick protects you from tumbling down the stairs, because the other players vote if you managed to save yourself. If you win the vote you receive the card as a bonus points. If you take to long to come up with a solution or in between you automatically receive a negative vote and no cards. Items that you used are discarded and you draw new cards. At the end of the game the teams are revealed and add their bonus cards depending on the number of players, the better team wins.

This is a fantastic and very bizarre game, I do not really know why you mit carry a mannequin to explore a spooky mansion, but she might help when the drawing room furniture atacks, and if not, then maybe against an attack of homesickness in the attic! Cat & Chocolate is definitely not a game for every group but fun with the right people.


Spieler         : 3-6

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Ryo Kawakami

Grafik          : Yuka Kabayama, Munku Mutsuki

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 12,00 Euro

Verlag          : Qvinta Essentia 2010


Genre                    : Party game with cards

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Offer creative solution, vote on those of others



Very cute idea

Simple rules

Cards in English and Japanese

Not easy to find



First game of this kind


Zufall                            1



Kreativität           3



Kommunikation   3

Interaktion                   2

