

Captain Dice

Schatzjagd mit Würfeln


Pirates are rampaging for booty on treasure cards, using results of dice rolls! Each player begins with a set of nine attack cards and all six dice of his color. Treasure cards are shuffled, stacked and 16 of them are placed in a 4x4 grid. Each round comprises a dice Phase, a Set-Up Phase, a Battle Phase and a Treasure Phase including checking for game end conditions; if they are not met, the next round begins.

In the Dice Phase - which begins with the ringing of the bell at any time, chosen by the starting player - all players simultaneously roll their dice and place two cards on a treasure card of the same value, remaining dice can be rerolled as often as you want to achieve placement. As soon as three treasure cards in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, you can ring the bell to end the dice phase.

In the Set-Up Phase players in turn add one attack card to a treasure card with their dice on it and take back the dice. Then, in the Battle Phase, the attack cards are resolved in order of their attack speed for their combat range. In the Treasure Phase, all players take treasure cards under their remaining attack cards and also treasure cards without attack cards enclosed by their attack cards. The grid is then replenished with treasure cards from the stack for the next round. When only eight cards remain in the grid, you win with most treasure cards.

Dice as reservation mechanism, followed by attack cards - a nice version of dice placement; especially attractive is the chance to win enclosed cards; this needs tactic and card memory.


Players: 2-4

Age: 10+

Time: 20+

Designer: Satochika Daimon

Artist: Shu Hajime

Price: ca. 24 Euro

Publisher: Grandoor Games / Japon Brand 2017


Genre: Dice, placement, treasure collection

Users: For families

Version: jp

Rules: de en fr jp

In-game text: no



Good rules

Simple basic mechanism

Tactic and card memory necessary for card inclusion


Compares to:

Games using dice placement for treasure acquisition


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 1

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0