

Alter                    8






The Rascha wants a memento of the tales of Scheherazade and is looking for a Flying Carpet and a Magic Lantern. Players move across the desert on ever-changing paths and look for goods that they can use for exchange at the Carpet Merchants Guild or the Robbers Cave for a carpet or a lantern.

A player’s turn consists of movement, placing pieces, actions and reduction of his pieces to 10. The standard move is one step horizontally or vertically. If you relinquish 1-3 pieces you can extend this move to up to 7 steps. You pick up all the pieces on all the squares that you cross in your move. Your move ends immediately if you reach an empty square even - if you have steps left over – or a special square. At the end of your move you take the same number of your own pieces out of the stock as you have taken pieces – regardless of color – from the board in your move and place them adjacent to either Merchants Oasis or your own pieces. If your move ends on a special square you can do the corresponding action, if you are on the same square with another player you can take a piece from him. Actions are exchanging pieces, exchange 1 pieces of every color for a Magic Lantern or a Flying carpet, hire a Bedouin or a fakir for 3 different pieces or buy a camel. Bedouin, fakir and camel influence your movement and exchange rates. If you have acquired both mementos you use those pieces for movement which are currently the minority on the board.

A pretty family game with some nice tactical possibilities, especially movement by discarding pieces and then placing your pieces is a well-working detail.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 40 min


Autor           : Florian Isensee

Grafik          : Ulla Janßen, Iris Dahlke

Titel             : ident

Preis            : ca. 20 Euro

Verlag          : Isensee Spiele



Genre                    : Placement and acquision game

Zielgruppe             : For families


Language                        : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : no



Nice standard topic

Very clear and extensive rules

Starting set up given for a first game

Sehr ausführliche klare Spielregel

Startaufstellung für das erste Spiel angegeben



Targui or Nomadi for the topic, new way to move the markers



Taktik                  3

Strategie__                  1





Interaktion                   3

