Alter 7
Spezial 2
Agent Doppelnull
2 double agents in duel
Agents on a mission, both in the same region, this can only result in a duel, By combining and remembering the agents of the opposing team must be unmasked. One player receives 10 blue double-naught agents, they are numbered from 000 to 009, and also 10 yellow cards with the some numbering. The other player receives yellow agents and blue cards, respectively.
Each player sets up his agents in a row, the numbers facing the owner. Then he take three agents out of the row of the opponent and sets them aside without looking at their numbers. Now each player shuffles his cards and stackes them face down. The first seven cards are then turned up and placed in front of the opposing agents. The rest of the cards you take up into your hand. Each player now places his agents on the cards. When his number is higher than the number on the card he is placed on the plus marker, when his number is lower he goes onto the minus marker. If his number is the same as that on the card this agent has been unmasked and is laid down flat on the card. The player of the yellow agents starts; in his turn you play one of your cards onto any opposing agent and take up the card already there. Your opponent places the agent on the new card. When an agent has been unmasked you have another turn. You win if you manage to unmask all opposing agents.
Using a topic that is fascinating for children and using simple basic mechanisms you can train basic logic along the lines of “the agents is on the minus marker of card 5, so card 3 might work to unmask this agent” – fun to play and good training!
Spieler : 2
Alter : ages 7 and up
Dauer : ca. 15 min
Autor : Wolfgang Dirscherl
Grafik : Thies Schwarz
Titel : ident
Preis : ca. 15,00 Euro
Verlag : IQ-Spiele 2011
Genre : Educational game on planning and logic
Zielgruppe : For children
Mechanismen : exchange cards, position agent, make deductions
Good combination of mechanisms
Nice topic for children
Simple rules
Trains concentration, logic and memory
Stratego for the set-up of the agents, otherwise first game of its kind
Zufall 1
Wissen_ 3
Gedächtnis 3
Interaktion 3