King of Tokyo Duell
Two monsters are dueling for Tokyo; yo win with most acquired fame or the biggest destruction achieved. You roll 6-8 dice up to three times and resolve the achieved symbols in any order – hits on the opponent, your own life points, energy tokens, fame and destruction and superpower. After the dice revaluation, you can buy power cards on display for energy tokens, they have an immediate once-only or permanent effect and maybe a hype action for acquisition of fame. When one of the markers for fame or destruction arrives at the finish or both are in the limelight of your half of the board or your opponent’s life points are at 0, you win instantly.
Dice game for 2 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Iello 2024
Designer: Richard Garfield
Translation: Ralf Kuhn
Edting: Walter Max-Tobias, Baudry Florent, Stefan Stadler
Art: Quentin Regnes, Vincent Mougenot, Alex Szyjan, Francesco Mazza, Tristan Loison, Sabine Kondirolli
Stoch Nr. 884022
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr hu it ja nl ru sr uk zh * In-game text: yes