Ishtar Die Gärten von Babylon


Gardens for the Queen! Player boards show abilities that you can unlock for actions and their points. You are active in turn: Select a plant tile and move watering can, maybe pay for additional steps * place plant tile into terrain, only on sand or rock, adjacent to a well or a tile already in place, but without connecting gardens * take jewels off the newly covered slots * use eventual special action of the placed tile for helper or unlocking ability * plant a tree and pay cost. When two dishes of plant tiles are empty, you score, at the end of the round, tree cards, visible flowers in beds with helpers, well colors and unlocked abilities.


Tile placement game for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Iello / HUCH! 2019

Designer: Bruno Cathala, Evan Singh

Art: Biboun


Stock #: 516566


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no