


Spezial                 2


Mr. Jack Pocket



Mr. Jack has now been transformed into a card game – instead of the board you lay out a grid of 9 street cards. The suspects including Mr. Jack are pictured on the cards. Holmes, Watson and a dog named Toby move along the outside of the grid and can look at the streets in a row or column of the grid. One player chooses to embody all those detectives and tries to catch Jack the Ripper, the other player embodies Mr. Jack and tries to evade his pursuers.

In this travel version of the well-known deduction game the street cards have two functions, they now also double for the suspects. Mr. Jack draws a card at the beginning to find out which suspect he embodies in this particular game. At the start Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and Toby are placed around the 3x3 card grid. There are four possible actions, player #1 chooses one, then player #2 chooses two actions and the last one goes again to player #1:

Move a detective, turn up a card, switch two cards or draw an alibi card. Then Mr. Jack announces whether he can be seen by one of the detectives. In general a suspect is only visible when a detective can see him in the streets. Suspects covered by a building are invisible. If the detective can exclude a suspects, he turns over this card. When the suspect is invisible, Mr. Jack receives a timer token. If he manages to acquire six of those tokens, Mr. Jack wins the game. The detective wins when at the end of the turn only one suspect is left.

Mr. Jack is a fantastic game, regardless if in pocket or other formats, it is fast, interesting and challenging.


Spieler         : 2

Alter            : ages 14 and up

Dauer           : ca. 15 min


Autor           : Bruno Cathala, Ludovic Maublanc

Grafik          : Jean-Marie Minguez

Titel englisch          : ident

Preis            : ca. 13,00 Euro

Verlag          : Hurrican 2010



Genre                    : Detection game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : move detective, assess results



Travel edition

Board made up from 3 x 3 cards

Fast play



All other versions of Mr. Jack



Taktik                  3

Strategie__                  2



Gedächtnis          2


Interaktion                   3

