

Game #3 in the Gipf project. You use 36 rings as well as five white, seven grey and nine black marbles. The rings are arranged as a hexagon “board” and you must conquer two marbles each of every color or three white or four grew or five black marbles. In your turn you either put any marble onto a ring and then remove an empty ring at the edge of the display. Or you conquer one or several marbles by jumping over them with another marble onto an adjacent free ring, you must conquer if possible. If you isolate a marble by removing a ring you have conquered it. Contains three black and three white Zčrtz Potential with jump abilities for Gipf.


Abstract placement game for 2 players, ages 13+


Publisher: HUCH! & friends 2016

Designer: Kris Burm

Art: Andreas Resch, Kris BUrm

Web: www.hutter-trade.com

Stock Nr. 789547


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no