

Game #2 in the Gipf project, featuring 30 pieces of three kinds per player: Tzaars - Tzarras – Totts, there must always be one piece of each kind on the board. You have two actions per turn: 1) You must capture a piece by moving a piece or a stack on an opposing piece or stack, adjacent or reachable over a straight line of free cases. Stacks are captured with stacks of the same height or higher. 2) Capture again or strengthen a piece or a stack by putting another piece on top or pass. Type of a stack = type of the top piece. You win if your opponent cannot capture or if you capture the last opposing piece of a kind.


Abstract placement game for 2 players, ages 13+


Publisher: HUCH! & friends2016

Designer: Kris Burm

Art: Andreas Resch, Kris Burm


Art.Nr. 87953 0


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr it nl * In-game text: no