Typisch Deutsch?!
Das Kaya Spiel
Typisch Deutsch?! - an homage to the Cult Comedian Kaya Yanar in the guise of a quiz and party game for victory points. The game is set up with Federal State cards, Federal State tiles and bonus tiles, players receive Federal State cards which they lay out face-down. You roll a die and move your marker up to the maximum result - you do not need to use all possible steps - along the roads, to arrive in a state for which you hold a card. If you cannot achieve this you take one of the cards on display. If you reach a suitable state you chose a task at the start of the game, later on the position of your marker on the scoring track decides your task. Tasks can be questions on the State or on Dialects, or actions tasks like drawing, explaining, pantomime, tongue twisters or listing things. Questions on States or Dialect are always posed by your neighbor, all other players but your neighbor posing the question may give a guess, too, all use their answer tiles for guessing.
Regardless if you mastered your task or not, you take a new face-down State card from the display. If you get an event card you implement it when you enter the corresponding state. A correct answer earns you four points and a State tile for bonuses, if you are the active player, other players score two points when correct. If you are first to collect 40 points, you win.
So far so standard, the allure is solely in the mix of questions which relate exclusively to all things German and also in finding out how much one knows about Germany, its peculiarities and facts from Bavaria to Schleswig-Holstein! Who or what is Wilhelma?
Players: 2-5
Age: 10+
Time: 45+
Designer: Michael Feldkötter
Artist: Markus Blaha, Andreas Resch, Christoph Tisch
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: Huch! & friends 2103
Genre: Quiz, party
Users: With friends
Version: de
Rules: de
In-game text: yes
Kaya Yanar and his characters only marginally visible
Interesting selection of questions
Detailed knowledge on Germany is necessary
Good mix of standard mechanisms
Compares to:
All quiz games with elements from Activity
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 1
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 1
Knowledge (yellow): 1
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 1
Dexterity (green): 1
Action (dark green): 1