Shaun das Schaf Wo stecken Shaun & Co?


Animals are tired of obeying the farmer and are hiding, the farmer must find them. You place an animal chip randomly at each location on the circular board, question mark side up. All animal cards are on display. The active player rolls a die and either goes with the farmer to a location and checks the chip or goes to a location and shows the chip to all or goes to the adjacent building and checks the chip there or swaps two chips or shuffles two chips and puts them back. If you think you know all hideouts, you announce it, put an animal next to each chip and check secretly - if all is correct, you win. If not, you are out of the game.


Memo and search game for 2-4 players, ages 6+


Publisher: HUCH! 2019

Designer: Sven M. Kübler

Art: Sabine Kondirolli, Huch!


Stock #: 88080 2


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no