
The Party Game


Scheibenkleister is a party game following a seemingly standard pattern: One player explains a term; the others guess and score for guessing correctly. Sounds easy but there is the Trapper! At the start players agree on a number between 1 and 6, this marks the valid question on each card. You then choose an Explainer for the round, his neighbor is the Trapper and all others are Guessers.

The Explainer takes a card, reads it and shows it to the Trapper. The Trapper notes three words, nouns or verbs or adjectives, connected to the current term on the card and of which he believes that someone might use them. Then the Trapper turns over the timer and the explainer starts to describe the term, of course he must not use part of the word or any permutation of the word. The Guessers can make as many guesses as they want. When the term is guessed correctly in the run-time of the timer both Explainer and correct Guesser score one point; when nobody guesses the term the Trapper reads out his words and all Guessers have one more try; if someone guesses correctly now, the Trapper and correct Guesser both score one point.

In case somebody has used one of the Trapper’s words during the run-time of the time, the Trapper calls out „Scheibenkleister“ (Sugar!), the explainer stops, the Trapper reads out his words and the Guessers have one more try. When everyone has been the explainer three times you win with most points.

Witty, familiar and yet new, and “Scheibenkleister”  probably is at the tip of your tongue, even if you are not the Trapper, because you can’t think of a term fitting „American Indian“ and „Commissioned Officer“


Players: 3-12

Age: 12+

Time: 30

Designer: Kristian Amundsen Østby

Art: Sabine Kondirolli

Price: ca. 14 Euro

Publisher: Huch! and friends 2012


Genre: Party game on definitions

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



Wtty adaptation of a standard game mechanism

Two trappers in case of more than four players

The trapper must listen very closely


Compares to:

Taboo and other games explaining terms


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 3

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0