Scheibenkleister – The Party game


All agree on a number for the questions and an explainer, his Neighbor is Trapper and the other Guessers. The explainer reads a card and shows it to the Trapper, who notes three words - nouns or verbs or adjectives - for the term of which he believes that someone might use them. The explainer starts to describe the term, as usual. When the term is guessed correctly within the timer's run-time Explainer and Guesser score one point; otherwise the Trapper reads out his words and all Guessers have one more try; if someone succeeds he and the Trapper score one point. If someony uses a Trapper word with the run-time, the Trapper calls out „Scheibenkleister“, the explainer stops, the Trapper reads out his words and Guessers have one more try. When everyone has been Explainer three times you win with most points.


Party Game for 3 – 12 players, Ages 12+


Publisher: Huch! and friends 2012

Designer: Kristian Amundsen Østby

Art: Sabine Kondirolli


Stock No.: 87794 9


Users: With friends


Special: Many players * Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes