

Who is the first to find the island that is identical with the turned-up island card? The islands are laid out in a circle, treasure chips are hidden beneath, and left over chips are distributed among the players and put onto the treasure chest. The bottom island card is turned up and all players search for the corresponding island. Who has found the island may dig for the treasure if he thinks that there is one beneath. If he finds a treasure he takes it, if not, he must put one of his treasures underneath. A player can decline a search. When all players decline the player who found the island determines one player who must search. If a player picks the wrong island he looses a treasure to the treasure chest. The player who at the end of the game has the most treasures wins.


Reaction- and memory game * 2-6 players from age 5 * Autor: Klaus Zoch * Grafik: Volker Maas * 87405 4 0, Huch & Friends, Germany, 2005 *** Huch & Friends *