Miss Monster


Each player starts with a card from each stack, each card shows a monster characteristic, purple for the head, maybe three eyes, green for arms and legs, maybe a wooden leg, blue for the torso, maybe wings, and orange for accessories like glasses. First players form monsters with one characteristic from each stack, then the other players try to identify the characteristics, and receive the corresponding card when they guessed correctly. Finally the monsters are judged for beauty, the best one wins a bonus point. The player with the highest score receives a Frankie, the first player to win two Frankies wins the game.


Creative game * 3-4 players from age 7 * Designers: Christophe Boelinger und Ludovic Maublanc * Illustration: Frantz Rey, Irene Wanitschke * 87406 1, Huch & Friends, Germany, 2005 *** Huch & Friends * www.huchandfriends.de