Mauna Kea


The volcano erupts and explorers want to save artifacts. You begin in the middle of the island; you use landscape tiles to build the island and to pay for explorer movement. You use all your tiles for landscape expansion and explorer movement; tiles paid for movement go into the bag; then you draw up to five movement points and place lava instantly on the board. An explorer moves orthogonally, carries up to three artifacts and enters a boat from spots adjacent to the boat. The boat goes to the owner of the explorer and out of the game. When someone has all explorers in boats all score explorers and artifacts minus empty seats in boats.


Resources management game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Huch! & friends 2013

Designer: Touko Tahkokallio

Art: Andreas Resch


Stock #: 4 260071 87832 8


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr nl  * In-game text: no