

You give quick-witted answers to important questions in life and do not want to be muzzled too often! You have a card with four answers – each can be used only once - and a „Klappe!“ card together with a cover card. The game master of the round makes a statement from a card; his left neighbor answers with one of the answers on his card in the appropriate tone of voice. This is repeated for each player. Then the game master tells one player to shut up, that is, “Klappe!” and this player slides the cover card down the Klappe! card by one position. If someone reaches the bottom, you win if you got “Klappe!” the fewest number times.


Communications game for 3-10 players, ages 16+


Publisher: HUCH! & friends 2016

Designer: Yves Hirschfeld, Fabien Bleuze

Art: Fiore

Web: www.hutter-trade.com

Art. Nr. 879011 A


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes