King Ozo
14 Kings rival for the title of King of Kings and decide the contest by pulling out strands of hair carrying a pearl at the end from a melee of strands - if you pull the longest strand, you are King of Kings. 14 threads of varying length carry a colored pearl at one end and a clear pearl at the other end. One player drops the mix and names a color that must be pulled out, but you can only grab the clear end of a thread. Whoever gets the correct, or else the longest, thread, wins the round - if you get several threads during the game, you click them together. In variants, you cannot grab the named color, only want the longest thread or play one of the variants in each round.
Dexterity game for 2-5 players, ages 6+
Publisher: Huch! 2017
Designer: nicht genannt
Artist: not named
Stock#: OZO1DE
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: cn de jp pl * In-game text: no